Products - NidraBalPrash - (Neural Health Supplement)

Nidra Bal Prash (Neural Health Supplement)

It is a novel poly-herbal formulation, which has been developed by us for a pilot  phase IV clinical trial (Observational study) on human volunteers. It is already in market and being prescribed as a food supplement by general physicians, neurologists and Cardiologists. The feedback response and repurchase phenomena is very high. It is based on the concept of medhya rasayana, described in the classical Ayurvedic text. The extract of 7 medicinal plants, along with pulp of awala (Indian Goosberry) and sugar has been mixed to make a Jam like preparation. Based on scientific studies of all the ingredient plants, it can be claimed to be anti-aging, antioxidant, improving sleep quality and cognitive behavior and GIT problems, and improves immune system.